International Missions 🌏

International Missions

The Lord has gifted us with a vision larger than just our city and we have involvement in Christian ministries on several continents.

To respond to this calling, every year a minimum of 50% of our budget, not dedicated to church planting, goes overseas.

In this calling we are honoured to meet and provide for humble servants of our God that daily sacrifice for His kingdom.

  • Missions in Myanmar: church planting, literature translation & distribution, theological training, disaster relief & medical, education, orphans and care for lepers.
  • Missions in Bangladesh: church planting & care for orphans.
  • Missions in Thailand: refugee care, including dentistry.
  • Missions in Nigeria: education, with the full construction of a High School and amenities.
  • Missions in Congo: medical care and temporary housing for Leper patients.
  • Missions in Zambia: care for AIDS orphans, practical needs for the poor and education.
  • Missions in India: church planting.